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Author: Service Lifter

Prepare for Us

How to Prepare for Your Carpet Cleaning

Dear Customer:

Thank you for choosing miracle steam carpet cleaning. We know you will be thrilled with the beautiful results and customer care that are so important to our company. It is our guarantee!

However, before we arrive, we have a few suggestions how to prepare for your carpet cleaning:


Please advise your technician before he begins cleaning of areas of concern as they may require special methods. Also, please present any coupons or discounts to your technician when he arrives.


Please Vacuum and/or sweep your carpets and floors before we arrive. This greatly speeds up the cleaning process.


Please advise your technician if you have special instructions to follow when moving your small furniture items, i.e. weak legs, unstable table tops, etc.


Please move breakable items from furniture items which will be temporarily moved by our technicians during the cleaning process. For example: remove picture frames and or glass decorations from coffee tables, etc.


While our technicians are more than happy to move/arrange small furniture items for the cleaning service you have requested, clearing the floor of furniture such as dining room chairs, house plants, etc. before your technician arrives will shorten the overall service time.


Please know that large heavy furniture such as china cabinets, sectional sofas, and entertainment centers cannot be moved. We also will not move fragile or highly valuable items such as antique furniture as we would not want to harm your valued items. However, we can and will clean right up to the edges of these pieces.


Please pin up floor length curtains/drapes so that they will be at least 6 inches off the floor. Also, please pin up any upholstered furniture skirts which touch the floor.


Our powerful machines can get quite noisy, so for both your pet’s peace of mind and ours, please put them in a quiet place away from the cleaners so we won’t disturb them.


Safety First: please be aware of your little rascals’ whereabouts during our service. Our machinery is the highest professional grade and can be dangerous to improper use. Please remind your children that our equipment is not a toy.

After We’re Gone – Special Instructions

Please leave the plastic “tabs” we have placed under your furniture for at least 24 hours after cleaning. Damp carpet especially will pull stains ad paint from furniture into your freshly cleaned carpet.

While all our chemicals are non-toxic, please do not allow small children or pets to crawl or lay on the carpets until they are completely dry. Also, please only walk on carpets with CLEAN shoes.

To keep your carpets and upholstery at its best, please vacuum at least once a week with a high quality vacuum cleaner. We are happy to recommend a high quality vacuum cleaner.

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